Activity #1
*Popular Culture - The Silent Movie
A picture in Black and White! |
Have you ever heard of The Gold Rush or The Lion Cage? Charlie Chaplin was the main character in both movies. He was the main character- The Tramp in the Gold Rush. And in the Silent movie - The Lion Cage as he was chased by a deer and he went into a cage where a lion was sleeping.. there be more to tell.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- So I had to watched 2 silent movie, and write some review about weather I liked them or not, and why or why not?
--------------------------------- So the first one I watched was The Lion's Cage
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Second one I watched was Gold Rush
Activity #2
* Art Deco
In the 1920s a new artistic movement emerged in New Zealand (and around the world). It was called ‘Art Deco.’ The picture to the right is a classic example of an ‘Art Deco’ piece. Take a close look at the painting. Do you like it?
Self Portrait By Tamara de Lempicka |
Well, looking at the painting. This look's fantastic to be honest.
If this was a rating out of 5 star⭐ (1 star = terrible painting, 2 stars = pretty bad painting, 3 stars = okay painting, 4 stars = good painting and 5 stars = amazing painting). Also with a reason why or why not.
So the rating I would give in my opinion is 4 stars⭐. I like how its been painted, I can see those white shades that have been painted looking like the sun was reflecting on that brand new car. I also like how the lady has her hands on the wheel, it looks as if someone is siting next to her. All though I would like it if her face was happier and left the mouth side a little up to make a smile. But I like all the painting around, even the blue turquoise color paint for the car looks AMAZING!!.
Bonus Activity #3
*Crossing The Tasman
In 1928, a crew of four men flew, for the first time, across the Tasman from Australia to New Zealand. One of the men on board the Southern Cross airplane was a New Zealander named T.H. Mc Williams. His job was to operate the radio in the airplane. Unfortunately, the radio stopped working shortly after take-off and the rain and ice were so heavy that the pilot, Kingsford Smith, couldn’t see out of his front windscreen. Yikes! Fortunately, the plane made it all the way across the Tasman landing in Christchurch after a 14 hour trip.
Right now, I'm imagine that I'm in one of those plan crew's right now. I brought my diary with me when the plan, the crew and I landed. I'm going to write a poem about how I felt when I landed.
Hoping onto the plane feeling proud as ever!
Closing doors, looking into the metal pipe, seeing my reflection feeling clever.
Hearing chit chatting were ever I turn
Its getting really hot in here, I feel like I going to BURN!
I hope nothing goes wrong, where is the captain he taking so long?
Oh no!, Whats that shaking I have to know
Shaking feeling scared, did I come unprepared?
Nope I'm just being silly, No really
Well finally we have landed, we grabbed our bags and hoped out as commanded
I hope I learned a lesson from this, good thing I have my friend beside me ''Chris''
My Poem!
The End!
Well thats the end of my post!
I hope everyone had an AWSOME New Year.
Thanks to Billy for the Kind comments
Bye. Leilani - Romano
Hey there Leilani, thank you for writing a review of the painting in activity two. You've done a really good job of being specific about what you liked or didn't like about the painting. You didn't just say you like it because it was cool or great, you went into detail about the shine of the light, the lady's lips, and whoever is sitting next to her. Fantastic!
ReplyDeleteWhat did you think of her lipstick? It's cool the way she seems to be looking at you as if you are taking a photo of her.
Awesome work, Billy
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ReplyDeleteHey, great job with the poem too! Thanks for the shout out at the end of your poem. It's great reading your blog posts, you always do such a great job!
ReplyDelete'Hopping onto the plane feeling proud as ever!' - An excellent opening to your poem. It straight away gives a sense of the emotions felt by the flight crew. I also really like how it rhymes on each line. It makes it easy to read and flow really well. I just like rhyming poems too!
Your poem takes you through a roller coaster of emotions, moving from one to the next at every line. Great job!
Billy :)