Tuesday 19 July 2016

My Rio poem

If I went to Rio I would be scared

Starting a new life and making new friends

But maybe going to Rio isn't so bad

So the person that I will take with me is me and my dad


  1. Good thinking, Leilani! I would also want to take my dad (as well as my mom, sister, son and partner, Andy). I think that we would have a great time together but I know that it wouldn't be easy. Travelling to new places can be quite difficult at times and Rio would be especially tricky as the people of Rio speak very little English. We would have to rely on non-verbal communication (facial expressions, arm gestures, etc.) in order to 'talk' to others.

    Despite the challenges, however, travelling can be very rewarding. You can see things that you have never seen before and experience things that are brand new. It's really fun!

    I hope that you get the chance to travel to Rio one day with your dad. If you do, please take lots of pictures so that you can show them to us when you get back!

    Cheers, Rachel :)

  2. Thank you Rachel for the comment, my dad doesn't live with me anymore but he's in a different country in the pacific looking after my grandpa. But he called me the other day and I asked him if me and him could go to Rio one day and he said yes so I am going to be so excited when I get there and see cool new things. Have you ever been to Rio or has anyone in your family have?
